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Crowdfunding Down Payments

Vow2Save is dedicated to helping you earn a DOWN PAYMENT through crowd funding. Vow2Save was designed especially for single parents, engaged couples, and young entrepreneurs who can’t afford the down payment to buy a home yet, or who want an extra boost to buy more.

Simply register for your special dedicated website that connects with your PayPal account, and you’ll receive a FREE crowdfunding website and a donation platform! You use your preferred Realtor & lender, your accounts, and your PayPal…Vow2Save never touches your money. We just help you earn more, and help you work your plan faster!

The premise of this down payment registry program is to make it EASY for family and friends to get involved. They want to help you achieve your dreams. If everyone just donates a little bit, then it can really ease the burden of paying your down payment and closing costs. In most states, you can buy your first condo or home easily if just 100 people donate $100. That’s $10,000 for your down payment fund! Will you make a Vow2Save?